Customized version

Our secure collaboration solution is customized to your trade mark, colours and commercial offers: lay-out, subscriptions and prices. End users don't notice they use a private label version hosted on our or your servers.

ContactOffice is a secure collaboration solution allowing individuals and (leisure or business) groups to organize, communicate and collaborate. ContactOffice comprises a set of tools (Messaging, Documents, Address book, Calendar, etc.) and can be accessed from computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.

ASL Airlines Belgium
Airline company (previously TNT Airways)

TNT Airways Belgium staff are provided with a communication software (email and SMS) to allow for an efficient transmission of information. For this kind of customers, service availability is critical. ContactOffice has complied with its commitment since many years.

Chambre des Experts Immobiliers de France FNAIM
Real estate trade association

ContactOffice has been selected for this trade association intranet in 2002. Members are offered Documents and Instant messaging. They also get an email address based on the association domain. The login page contains direct links to the most important data. Each member gets a weekly email reporting all new and edited Documents. The intranet has been integrated transparently into the FNAIM Website.

Grid manager for electricity and gas in Belgium

ContactOffice has set-up a specific platform for Ores. Its purpose is to easily and securely communicate files to all representatives in the Belgian communes. This platform contains only the Documents tool, with a dedicated look & feel.

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